Shop, Shop, Shop To Win! | Nak Beli Lelong Live

Join us for a super crazy deal up to 50% off & FREE delivery of your groceries purchase at Nak Beli Lelong Live with Amber Chia and Stella Chung!

Great savings with Flexi Value Plan! Now you can save $$$ and enjoy quality fresh produce such as vegetables and fruits, as well as meat, poultry, and seafood with our new monthly subscription plan.

We are giving away a packet of imported formed scallop for FREE! All you need to do is like our Facebook page, share our live streaming video and purchase a minimum RM200.

Use promo code β€œWELCOME30” for RM30 off & free delivery with minimum purchase of RM150.

Get all your daily essentials, delivered to your doorstep – all on NAK BELI!

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